- Assistant professor at the Taube Department of Jewish Studies at the University of Wrocław. Budzik holds a degree in Hebrew and Theater studies from the University of Adam Mickiewicz in Poznań, and defended her doctoral thesis in 2019 on the images of Poland in the texts of Israeli authors of the third generation after the Holocaust.
- Winner of the “Diamond Grant” of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, the Polish Minister of Science and Higher Education Award for Outstanding Scholars, as well as other Polish and foreign awards and scholarships. Recipient of several Polish and international research grants. Author of the monograph Eretz Sham. Poland in Narratives of the Israeli Third Post-Holocaust Generation (IBL PAN, Warsaw 2023), editor and translator of Jaakov Ha-Levy Levin’s Memoir from the Days of the Polish Rebellion, 1830-1831 (PWN, Warsaw 2022). Translator of literary and scholarly texts.
Her academic interests include topics related to the Holocaust and Holocaust memory, Hebrew literature and Israeli culture, society, and politics.
Dr Budzik is currently working on her next book, The Modern Goy. The Non-Jewish Other in Modern Hebrew Literature.
jagoda.budzik [at] uwr.edu.pl
Scholarly monographs
Eretz Sham. Poland in Narratives of the Israeli Third Post-Holocaust Generation, IBL PAN: Warsaw 2023.
J. Ha-Levy Levin, Memoir from the Days of the Polish Rebellion, 1830-1831, ed. & transl. by Jagoda Budzik, PWN: Warsaw, 2022
Why are There no Holocaust Movies in Israel? The Impossibility of Mimetic Holocaust Representation in Israeli Cinema, “Prooftexts: Journal of Jewish Literature History” – accepted.
Why does Hebrew Literature Need the Goy? The Motif of the non-Jewish Other in Contemporary Hebrew Literature, “A New History of Modern Hebrew Literature”, eds. Yaron Peleg and Zehavit Zaslansky, Cambridge University Press – aceepted.
Other Family Stories. Third Post-Holocaust Generation’s Journeys to Poland and Challenging Israeli Official Memory Discourse, “POLIN. Studies in Polish Jewry” no. 35 2023, s. 388-398.
“Between the River and the Sea. Hydrofictions in Israeli and Palestinian Literature,” Teksty Drugie no. 4 2022, pp. 70-82. [Polish]