The “Sznirele Perele” Student Association was founded in 2004 and is now one of the most active student groups at the University of Wrocław. Its main goals are to present the results of research and scientific work produced by students and young graduates, to promote and popularize research on Jewish history and culture, and to promote knowledge of the culture, history, language and religion of the Jews. The Society organizes meetings with scholars as well as seminars, conferences, symposia and field trips focused on Jewish topics, and also publishes student research papers. Over the years, student members have participated in a wide range of activities, including:
- international research project “From Włodkowica to Perec street – Jewish spaces in Wrocław”
- international research project “Silent Matzevahs”, including Polish-Czech cooperation on an inventory of the historic cemetery in Mikulov
- international project “Hear the Voice of History” – recording interviews with Jewish residents from the Vilnius region
- organization of academic student conferences, including „Jewish Women and Men in the City” (04.06.2013); Poland, Israel, USA: Pop Culture Constructions of the Jewish Identity (19.04.2016)
- organization of two exhibitions: „Jidiszer Jiszew in Niderszlezje” (Jewish settlement in Lower Silesia) in the main building and the Museum of the University of Wrocław, and “Wrocław String of Pearls” a presentation of the Student Society’s activities in ul. Szewska;
- guest lecture series
- organizing a review of Israeli feature films “Żydowskie filmowe pantalony”
- Jewish Book Club
- putting together a music band and preparing a concert of hits from the interwar period for the members of the Wrocław Jewish Community
- national and foreign research expeditions (18 so far)
- cooking lessons in a Jewish kitchen to celebrate Jewish holiday
- evening recitations of Jewish poetry
- annual organizational assistance during the Festival of Jewish Culture “Simcha” in Wrocław
- Yiddish language meetings for advanced speakers
- organizational help during the Days of Judaism organized by the Catholic Church
- preparation of an artistic program for the celebration of the anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
- organizing the march of friendship “Flowers, not swastikas” on 28 June 2009 in opposition to the manifestations of anti-Semitism in Wrocław
Photo by Anna Michalska