“The margin shows where the center is!” Prof. Moshe Rosman

The international summer program in Dresden, Prague, and Wrocław exploring
Modern Jewish History and Culture in German/Slavic Culture Zones, 7–20 July, 2019, was a joint undertaking by the BKM-Assistant Professorship in Social and Economic Networks of Germans in Modern Eastern Europe at TU Dresden and the Taube Department of Jewish Studies at Wrocław University, and was generously financed by the German Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media. The program was targeted at masters and doctoral students, but was also open to emerging scholars in the humanities and social sciences and was conducted entirely in English.

Seventeen participants hailing from all over Europe, Israel, Bangladesh, and the United States examined topical issues in-depth during lectures, seminars and discussions with outstanding scholars including Prof. Michael Brenner (LMU-Munich/American University), Prof. Tim Buchen (TU Dresden), Prof. Kateřina Čapková, (New York University), Prof. Moshe Rosman (Bar Ilan University), Dr Małgorzata Stolarska-Fronia (Polish Academy of Sciences), dr. Karolina Szymaniak (University of Wrocław), dr. Marc Volovici (Birkbeck College, London), Prof. Marcin Wodzinski (University of Wrocław), and others. Our emphasis was on small groups and individual contact with experienced scholars working on primary source materials. Two levels of Yiddish immersion language courses were offered: beginners with dr. Szymaniak and intermediate with dr. Anna Kałużna. Participants were encouraged to present their current or planned projects during small World Cafe meetings and seminars.

HERE for the Open Call and
HERE for the poster announcing the Public Lecture Series that was also part of the Summer Program.