
The Makor/Źródła [Makor/Sources] (since 2011) source material series, published by Austeria Press in Kraków, is dedicated to the editing and publishing of texts that are important to the understanding of Jewish history and culture, as well as to the publication of selected historical source materials along with philological editions of canonical works of Jewish culture. The following titles have appeared in this series to date:

  • „Izraelita” 1866–1915: Selected Sources, eds. A. Jagodzińska and M. Wodziński (Pol., 2015).
  • Ludwik Zamenhof and the Jewish Question, ed. A. Jagodzińska (Pol., 2012).
  • Hasidism in the Kingdom of Poland, 1815–1867: Historical Sources in Polish State Archives, ed. M. Wodziński (Pol., 2011).