Recent Achievements

  • The Sznirele Perele Student Society won first prize, for the second year running, at the student society fair organized by Wrocław University (on 24.11.2017).
  • Kamil Kijek was awarded first prize for his PhD dissertation in the VII edition of the Majer Bałaban Competition for the best doctoral dissertation and masters thesis on a Jewish subject in 2016 organized by the E. Ringelblum Jewish Institute of History (ŻIH) (2016).
  • Piotr Grącikowski was awarded first honorable mention for his PhD dissertation in the VII edition of the Majer Bałaban Competition for the best doctoral dissertation and masters thesis on a Jewish subject in 2016 organized by the E. Ringelblum Jewish Institute of History (ŻIH) (2016).
  • Agata Rybińska was a finalist for her PhD dissertation in the V edition of the Majer Bałaban Competition for the best doctoral dissertation and masters thesis on a Jewish subject in 2012 organized by the E. Ringelblum Jewish Institute of History (ŻIH) (2012).